ABSSL- Universal Analytical Technology China
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Product information
Category:Fuel Oil
Method Standard:ASTM D6087
Application:Evaluating the scuffing load resistance of diesel (middle distillate) fuel.
Description Features Technical specs

A fully automatic laboratory instrument for evaluating the scuffing load resistance of diesel (middle distillate) fuel according to ASTM D6078.

PCS Instruments’ ABSSL System (Automated BOCLE System Scuffing Load) is a fully automatic laboratory instrument for carrying out lubricity testing of diesel (middle distillate) fuel. It fully conforms to the requirements of ASTM D-6078 “Standard Test Method for Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by the Scuffing Load Ball-on-Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator (SLBOCLE)”.

The standard PCS ABS test equipment can be modified to allow the SL-BOCLE tests to be carried out. Alternatively, the ABSSL test equipment can be supplied as new.

As with the standard BOCLE test, the instrument utilises a flooded, Ball-on-Cylinder contact geometry. Since the onset of scuffing is characterised by a sudden rise in the friction force between two contacting bodies, a load cell is incorporated into the load arm assembly. This is able to measure the tangential friction force between the rotating disc and stationary ball.

· Microprocessor control of all instrument functions

· Simple user interface. Instrument functions can be upgraded by downloading new firmware

· Both the standard ASTM D6078 test sequences (Procedure A and B) come pre-loaded into microprocessor controller

· Automatic control of whole test sequence

· No operator-induced variability in test results

· Automatic flow controllers for moist and dry air

· No operator input needed to set the humidity and flow rate of the conditioned air

· Optional PC-based control and data logging software

· Allows alternative test programmes to be downloaded into instrument, and test parameters to be recorded as a permanent record

· Humidity and temperature measurement does not need to be re-calibrated – simply exchange the combined relative humidity and temperature probe for a precalibrated unit

· Single source of supply for both the test rings and test equipment

Ambient Temperature Limits

+5.0 to +35.0°C

Fuel Temperature Control

25.0 ±1.0 max, ±0.1°C typical

Flow Rate

3.8 ±0.1 litres/min


10.0 ±0.2% indicated

Motor Speed

525.0 ±0.1 rpm

Test Duration

30 Seconds , ±0.1 second - Breaking 60 Seconds , ±0.1 second - At test duration