Sheet Metal Testing Machine Model 102- Universal Analytical Technology China
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Sheet Metal Testing Machine Model 102
Model 102
Sheet metal testing machine, with Erichsen cupping, up to 60 kN/80 kN tensile force
Description Specifications


Sheet Metal Testing Machine, Model 102-60 (with max. drawing force of 60 kN) with electro-hydraulic drive, automatic switch off at specimen failure and automatic menu navigation via touch panel.

Application: This Sheet Metal Testing Machine is intended for testing materials in the medium thickness range (0.1 to approx. 3.0 mm). It provides rapid a reliable quality monitoring for sheet metal producers and users.

There are important reasons for using the Sheet Metal Testing Machine, Model 102, for quality assurance:

  • Lowering of manufacturing costs by making spot checks on the drawing quality of cold rolled sheet during production or in the process department.

  • Sorting out of material of lower quality arriving at the Goods Inwards Department. Without special test preparation it is immediately possible to establish if the material supplied has the prescribed drawing quality.

  • Determining the most appropriate sheet thickness for a particular drawn work piece to optimise the ratio of price to suitability for the manufacturing process.

Quantitative measurement of sheet quality by means of the ERICHSEN Cupping Test provides a basis of communication between sheet metal producers and users.
The form of the crack and the surface roughness (= grain size) also provide information on the quality of the sheet metal and is suitability for drawing, giving valuable information especially to the sheet metal producer.
The good functional layout of Model 102 makes this machine particularly user friendly. All relevant test tools can be set up in the test cylinder quickly and without difficulty.
The sturdy design and the hydraulic system employed ensure that minimum wear is experienced so that accurate test results are assured over a long period of time.


Sheet Metal Testing Machine, Model 102-80 (with max. drawing force of 80 kN) with electro-hydraulic drive, automatic switch off at specimen failure and automatic menu navigation via touch panel.

Application: This Sheet Metal Testing Machine is intended for testing materials in the medium thickness range (0.1 to approx. 3.0 mm). It provides rapid a reliable quality monitoring for sheet metal producers and users.

There are important reasons for using the Sheet Metal Testing Machine, Model 102, for quality assurance:

  • Lowering of manufacturing costs by making spot checks on the drawing quality of cold rolled sheet during production or in the process department.

  • Sorting out of material of lower quality arriving at the Goods Inwards Department. Without special test preparation it is immediately possible to establish if the material supplied has the prescribed drawing quality.

  • Determining the most appropriate sheet thickness for a particular drawn work piece to optimise the ratio of price to suitability for the manufacturing process.

Quantitative measurement of sheet quality by means of the ERICHSEN Cupping Test provides a basis of communication between sheet metal producers and users.
The form of the crack and the surface roughness (= grain size) also provide information on the quality of the sheet metal and is suitability for drawing, giving valuable information especially to the sheet metal producer.
The good functional layout of Model 102 makes this machine particularly user friendly. All relevant test tools can be set up in the test cylinder quickly and without difficulty.
The sturdy design and the hydraulic system employed ensure that minimum wear is experienced so that accurate test results are assured over a long period of time.



