Precision grinding technical seminar tour completed successfully- Universal Analytical Technology China
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Precision grinding technical seminar tour completed successfully
Publisher: Release time:2010-11-25 Click:222

On November 15, 17, 19 and 22, Universal Technology successfully held four seminars on grinding technology at, respectively, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Chongqing and Changsha.


Representatives from ATE, DR KAISER, DITTEL, FIEGE and MOVOMATIC came together with Universal to make technical presentations in each of these cities. During the seminars, customers from the industrial manufacturing industry in China had the opportunity to learn more about their precision grinding, dressing and monitoring tools; as well as to interact directly with the manufacturers during the discussion groups.


The events were successful and numerous topics and questions concerning the grinding technology were raised and addressed at each seminar. Speakers answered personally to customers' questions and provided guidelines as to which of their product ranges were suitable for various applications.


Universal Technology is the China distributor for ATE, Dr. Kaiser, Dittel, Fiege and Movomatic, and plays an important role in the grinding industry in China. Our abrasives product portfolio includes grinding wheels, cut-off wheels, dressing tools, and online detection and monitoring systems. For more information on the products available, please contact us at
