Universal Technology Successfully Participated in the 7th Asia International Conference on Tribology (ASIATRIB2024) and the 9th China International Conference on Tribology (CICT2024)- Universal Analytical Technology China
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Universal Technology Successfully Participated in the 7th Asia International Conference on Tribology (ASIATRIB2024) and the 9th China International Conference on Tribology (CICT2024)
Publisher: Release time:2024-09-20 Click:294

  Universal Technology triumphantly showcased its presence at the prestigious 7th Asia International Conference on Tribology (ASIATRIB2024) and the 9th China International Conference on Tribology (CICT2024), held from September 14th to 18th, 2024, in Tianjin, China. This remarkable event gathered the world's foremost academic experts, researchers, engineers, and students to delve into the latest research achievements and future trends in tribology. Organized by the Chinese Tribology Institute,CMES, the conference aimed to provide a high-level platform for experts and scholars in the field of tribology to exchange ideas and share achievements globally. Throughout the conference, numerous internationally renowned scholars delivered inspiring keynote speeches and engaged in profound discussions on topical issues within tribology.



  As one of the distinguished exhibitors, Universal Technology captivated the attention of numerous participants with its outstanding product lineup and professional technical support. The company showcased two renowned international brands of instruments related to friction, wear testing, and research: PCS from the UK and FALEX from the USA. These two brands not only represent the pinnacle of tribology testing technology but also play pivotal roles in various fields such as materials science and mechanical engineering.

  To enhance technical exchanges and cooperation, representatives from PCS and FALEX, Dr. Matt Smeeth and Dr. Rich Baker, personally attended the exhibition, providing robust support for Universal Technology's booth. The manufacturer representatives and Universal Technology representatives engaged in profound conversations and discussions with participants from diverse countries and regions, sharing the latest technological advancements and application cases, which garnered widespread acclaim. Furthermore, Universal Technology successfully exhibited two PCS instruments -MTM and HPR. These instruments, renowned for their exceptional performance and specialized applications, attracted numerous visitors who stopped by to observe and inquire.




  Universal Technology's impressive presence at this conference has significantly elevated its visibility and influence within the tribology community. The company looks forward to collaborating with more partners in the future, jointly advancing the progress and development of tribology technology.